During girl period sure goes temper easily, i'm sorry. 
hot tear droping down my cheek while i'm writing all this, I really hate this life of mine.
damn it, why are other so happy but me? i know i just know how to cried but nothing i could do.is there anyway that i could die without pain? i really tired of this life of mine. seriously.

hot tear droping down my cheek while i'm writing all this, I really hate this life of mine.
damn it, why are other so happy but me? i know i just know how to cried but nothing i could do.is there anyway that i could die without pain? i really tired of this life of mine. seriously.
I really don't wanna lost any love one anymore. I know some of my love one dislike me too .. but i'm sorry, That's me.
Don't contact qiuyun by phone alrdy as my phone is spoilt.
Qiuyun ah qiuyun, if you know that phone will spoilt you won't throw alrdy right?
and now i guess i'm not going town/bugis ltr on i gnna get this hell phone fix.
thank to my 'deareast' phone. Kiss my ass.
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