A proper post for this "never alive blog"
I didn't go out for 4day during this week , how sad but claudia's coming back from hk around midnight. I've many many stuff wanna tell her she's someone who i could talk to. for the 4day i really didn't STEP out of the house ok, keep myself away from boringness using watching drama nd eat nd sleep. Oil and fat came and my poor stomach is bigger and bigger already. I ate 6 Bowl of rice a day nd after seeing the mcd menu(Drooling) so i went to call mcdelivery mega mcspicy's huge nd it make my stomach more huge ok ~ nd daddy bought kfc. Really cannot take it anymr, sorry my stomach! ); For yesterday night i went to meet him nd went home during 1plus, continue to watch drama till 3+ nd went to sleep after that, when i'm awake aldric call me saying that he's near my hse area so went down nd look for him.
I know this stupid laogao from friendster, and i realised that
we are same kidergarden. This call fate ok. I still got we two acting the photo ok!
Gong dong bo victor, i keep the picture for so bloody long. HAHAHA!
Victor sai si qiang!

i'm hungry now nd i need t get claudia'c later nd my stud too!
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