I'm gnna FUCK friendster upside down
but wondering how could i FUCK it.(Just laming!)
I'm now still rotting in progress.
yesterday sweetheart msg me from hongkong
Have alot of fun during lan shop right, faster come back.
I miss you and i miss bby, Leslie ah leslie.
o1 . The person who tagged you is ?
Chrysther aiaiiiiiaiiaiaiaiiai ♥♥♥
o2 . You relationship with Him/Her ?
Primary school friend, my aiaiiaiaiaiiaia.
o3 . Your 5 impression of Him/Her
Funny Cute pretty Caring but sometime evil too. hehe.
o4 . The most memorable thing that He/She has done for you .
Alot thing during primary school, when i'm being bullied? LOL!!!!
o5 . The most memorable thing that He/She has said to you?
Hmm, Told me that i've been tagged. (laughing)
o6 . If He/She becomes your LOVER , things He/She has to improve is ?
She is my aiaiiaiaiaiaiaiiaiaiaiaiiiaiaiaiaiiaiaiaiaiaiiaia
o7 . If He/She becomes your enemy , you will ?
I guess i'm not gnna rest in peace.
o8 . What is the thing that you want to tell Him/Her now ?
I Miss her(x100000)
o9 . Your overall impresion of Him/Her .
Goodddddddddd, lovelovelovee(s)!!
1o . How do think the person around you will feel about you ?
" Waliew, why she so bhb one??? ?????"
11 . The character you love of yourself is ?
Being bhb.
12 . On the contrary , the character you hate of yourself is ?
Being too bhb.
13 . The most ideal person you want to be is ?
Wonder Women,Superwomen.
14 . For people(s) who cares & likes you , say something to them .
Thankyou very much nd i love you all.(cried) muahmuah
o15 . Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know thier feel about you*
1. Claudia
2. Victor
3. Felica
4. Juatling
5. Peiyan
6. Pameila
7. Junwei
8. Rachel
9. Fanny
10. Crystal
16 . Who No.6 having relationship with ?
Single i guess? Not sure.
17 . Is No.9 female or male ?
o18 . If No.7 & No.10 be together , will it be a good thing ?
Junwei Love A, A Love C. LOL
o19 . What is No.2 studying about ?
About pornography and thing that make people horny!
2o . When was the last time you chat with No.3 ?
Yesterday on msn.
o21 . What kind of music does No.8 like ?
Not sure.
22 . Does No.1 has siblings ?
Yes, One brother one sister i guess
23 . Will you WOO No.3 ?
She belong to zilong. >;(
24 . How about No.7 ?
o25 . Is No.4 single ?
Not sure about it.
26 . What is the surname of No.5 ?
27 . What is the hobby of No.10 ?
I don't know but the hobby of A is crystal. LOL
o28 . Does No.5 and No.9 get along well ?
Don't know each other? but see before i guess
29 . Where is No.2 studying at ?
Navel base secondary school
3o . Talk something about No.1 .
31 . Have you tried developing feeling for No.8 ?
Laugh out loud, she's my meimei duh.
o32 . Where does No .9 stay ?
Khatib area i guess.
34 . Are you No.1 & No.5 bestfriend ?
They don't know each other yeap.
35 . Does No.1 has pets ?
No? not sure.
36 . Is No.7 The sexiest person in the world ?Sexy?
37 . What is No.1o doing now ?
Sleeping dota work msn-ing (?) Not sure about it.
but wondering how could i FUCK it.(Just laming!)
I'm now still rotting in progress.
yesterday sweetheart msg me from hongkong
Have alot of fun during lan shop right, faster come back.
I miss you and i miss bby, Leslie ah leslie.
I'm being TAGGED
o1 . The person who tagged you is ?
Chrysther aiaiiiiiaiiaiaiaiiai ♥♥♥
o2 . You relationship with Him/Her ?
Primary school friend, my aiaiiaiaiaiiaia.
o3 . Your 5 impression of Him/Her
Funny Cute pretty Caring but sometime evil too. hehe.
o4 . The most memorable thing that He/She has done for you .
Alot thing during primary school, when i'm being bullied? LOL!!!!
o5 . The most memorable thing that He/She has said to you?
Hmm, Told me that i've been tagged. (laughing)
o6 . If He/She becomes your LOVER , things He/She has to improve is ?
She is my aiaiiaiaiaiaiaiiaiaiaiaiiiaiaiaiaiiaiaiaiaiaiiaia
o7 . If He/She becomes your enemy , you will ?
I guess i'm not gnna rest in peace.
o8 . What is the thing that you want to tell Him/Her now ?
I Miss her(x100000)
o9 . Your overall impresion of Him/Her .
Goodddddddddd, lovelovelovee(s)!!
1o . How do think the person around you will feel about you ?
" Waliew, why she so bhb one??? ?????"
11 . The character you love of yourself is ?
Being bhb.
12 . On the contrary , the character you hate of yourself is ?
Being too bhb.
13 . The most ideal person you want to be is ?
Wonder Women,Superwomen.
14 . For people(s) who cares & likes you , say something to them .
Thankyou very much nd i love you all.(cried) muahmuah
o15 . Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know thier feel about you*
1. Claudia
2. Victor
3. Felica
4. Juatling
5. Peiyan
6. Pameila
7. Junwei
8. Rachel
9. Fanny
10. Crystal
16 . Who No.6 having relationship with ?
Single i guess? Not sure.
17 . Is No.9 female or male ?
o18 . If No.7 & No.10 be together , will it be a good thing ?
Junwei Love A, A Love C. LOL
o19 . What is No.2 studying about ?
About pornography and thing that make people horny!
2o . When was the last time you chat with No.3 ?
Yesterday on msn.
o21 . What kind of music does No.8 like ?
Not sure.
22 . Does No.1 has siblings ?
Yes, One brother one sister i guess
23 . Will you WOO No.3 ?
She belong to zilong. >;(
24 . How about No.7 ?
o25 . Is No.4 single ?
Not sure about it.
26 . What is the surname of No.5 ?
27 . What is the hobby of No.10 ?
I don't know but the hobby of A is crystal. LOL
o28 . Does No.5 and No.9 get along well ?
Don't know each other? but see before i guess
29 . Where is No.2 studying at ?
Navel base secondary school
3o . Talk something about No.1 .
31 . Have you tried developing feeling for No.8 ?
Laugh out loud, she's my meimei duh.
o32 . Where does No .9 stay ?
Khatib area i guess.
34 . Are you No.1 & No.5 bestfriend ?
They don't know each other yeap.
35 . Does No.1 has pets ?
No? not sure.
36 . Is No.7 The sexiest person in the world ?Sexy?
37 . What is No.1o doing now ?
Sleeping dota work msn-ing (?) Not sure about it.
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