Time solve ....


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Went to work yesterday, for fun? Didn't earn much also.
cab to 110 and have my bakuteh there and cab back home as
i'm very tired and very full. I'm spending my pay on cab fare already.
Well well well, any blogshop intro? could get it fast, doesn't need to wait for so long. i need new clothes and bottom badly uh huh.

Yesterday's yesterday, Friday.
Went down t look for some luvly as they're at somewhere near my house, at last cab to Cp, slack till 2am, A bloody bastard pangseh me all alone, cab back home after that.

Now it's fucking times!!!!!!!

Fuck that bastard who ps me.
Fuck that bastard who say i show attuide that why he ps me.
Fuck that bastard coz it's already midnight and i'm all ALONE.
Fuck that bastard for went back corking with them.
Fuck that bastard thinking that he's very power.

Hey hello, Jeremy helped me, if he doesn't pull me away i guess i'm already in hospital or laying down on the void deck below my house, in a coffin. but what ?you're at there still saying what "Jeremy very stupid whatever blahblah" Better then YOU, only know how to say.
i guess if you're at there, you'll sure sit down there seeing show ? Who know?
Anyway, Thank jeremy for the icecream
Alwayfriend ok.

Few more day, school's starting
I miss many lovely in school. :D
Tangyuan, here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!