I feel so sick now. 

I don't know what is love, i only know that i'm hungry now.
Noone wanna buy food for me leh, how? kubird loh.... tomorrow going accompany christopher to buy present for sister and I've changed my winxclub mattress already^^ Waliew, tell you ah! so hot and pink loh. just now went to watch " the don't know what show"with elfin yangyang weisheng jonathan ahjie and the don't know who, we went for few mintues and received call from claudia,we wanted to go look for her as we also don't know what to movie is talking about, so me, elfin and yangyang left to look for her.
Heh-heh-heh, i got screenshot junwei during webcam-ing,
who want me to post it up?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!? :D

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