Asked by kailin. :)
001.What's the connection between you and the last person that called you?
- Yewleong(My daddy zx )
002. Do you ever turn off your cellphone?
- Yea ?
003. Wad happen to you at 10am today?
- Sleeping like an log
004. When did you last cry?
- Yesterday night, Sad song suck):
005. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
- Bread la? if not rice meh-_-
006. What do you want in your life right now?
-Handphone/ happiness
007. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put it up ur hood?
- Nope? Just walk like how i walk. Lol!
008. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed?
-My blanket!! My love xP
009. What bottom are you wearing now?
- Green nf jean :)
010. What's the nicest thing on your inbox said?
- Forget, as my handphone lost ):
011. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
- Huh? no la? lol._.
012. Are you wearing anything that is borrowed from someone?
- Nope
013. Do you like your current class?
- Hai hao lo! But fucking dislike that tweetybird at my class man ! Ohmy ..
014. What are you proud of?
- Hmms.. no ?
015. What's your handphone model?
- Fucktard, handphone lost :/
016.What's was the last song you sang it out loud?
- Byebye
017. Do you have any nicknames?
- Shorty, but what i love da most's being called earthworm .. don't you find it cool?! lol :X
018. What does your last received text say?
- I'm back , I miss you ! from lynette ( using daddy phony)
019. What time did you go to bed last night?
- Not sure .. ?
020. Are you currently happy?
- Nope , kinda lost .. ):
021. who gives you the best advice?
- Felica ahjie, regine ahjie
022. Do you eat whipped cream straight from can?
- Wth's that? lol!
023. Who did you tok to on the phone last night?
- Alex ..?
024. Is anything bugging you right now?
- I wanna a handphone SOON SOON SOON!
025. What/who was the last thing/person who made you laugh?
- Ang yun
026. Do you wear toe socks?
- Nope .. ?
027. Who is the last person you missed a call from?
- Handphone lost .__.
028. Have you ever had your heart broken?
- Yes. very .. ):
029. What annoys u most in person
- Bhb( But i'm one too xP )
030. Do u have a crush on anyone?
- Yuppppppppppppppppppppppppz....
031. Have you ever done cocaine?
- What's that ?
032. what is the colour of ur room?
-blue + Yellow.. Sound werid
033. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar
- ofcause i will.. Muhahahahahaha! Not for money, but for the person i hate xP
034. Do you believe in the saying "talk is cheap"?
- huhs ?
035. Who was the last person who lay on your bed?
- Me, and myself
036. Who was the last person to hug you?
- Hmm, forgetten
037. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
- HEY! There's an bird fly by !! :)
038. Do you have a life?
- Ofcos, SEE! i'm TYPING HERE! You guy are oh-so-cute cute!!
039. Have you ever think someone died but they actually haven't?
- Huh? No?
040.What's the reason behind your profile song?
- Sad song
041. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
- Hmmmmm...?
042. Last time you smiled?
- Ytd?
043. Have you changed this year?
- Yes. Change alot ):
044. What are you listening to now?
- Leavin'
045. Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
- Nope
046. Do u walk with your eyes open or close?
- Open ? close? Lol. Both :P
047. Is there a quote you live by?
- huh.... ?
048. Do you want someone you can't have?
- Yup .......
049. Have you ever played an instrument?
- Don't know leh! Maybe when i'm baby i've play before guaitar ?
hahahaha! Kinda cool
050. What was the worst idea you've in the week?
- Not sure .
051. Wad are you doing last night at 11pm?
-Walking around
052. Are u happy with your love life now?
Nope! Totally notz!
053.Wad song describe ur love life?
- Lost without you
054. Does that person know that you like him/her?
- Well ?
055. Who always make you laugh?
- Not sure ..
056.Do you speak other language other then english?
-Chinese? Ar!!!! I say tamil too XP
057. Are you blond?
- No?
058. What is your middle name?
- Qiu ? Tan QIU yun?
059. What are you doing tomorrow?
- Not sure, ):
060. What do you think you are like?
- Lame, crazy, selfish, dumb, stupid A person that everyone dislike ....
061. Who will you choose to die with?
- Nobody .. ?
062. Where have you been today?
- Maple/chat/ Nothing more
063. What game you play often?
- Maple/ audition
064. Who are you missing now?
- Many people .. ):
065. If you have to choose between love or friends which one will you choose?
- Both !!!!!!!!!!!
066. What are you doing right now?
- Listening music/ Chating/ doing this tag
067. Which primary school were you from?
- Peiying primary school
068. Name 3 colours that you like?
-Red/Hotpink/ purple
069. What emotion you like to show?
- :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ): ):):
070. What is life to you?
- Doesn't need to study :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D:D
071. If you have anything troubling you, what will you do?
- Cry 's forever my favourite xP
072. Who did you last chat on MSN yesterday ?
- Not sure leh ??
073. Which model of phone did you use to own? ??
- huh ? Nokia?
074. Which month are u born?
075. How are you feeling right now?
- Bored.. moody ..
076. What is the time now?
-2.10 Pm
077Where are you now?
- Homez
078. What colour do you use to dye your hair?
- Nope
079. Why are you doing this test?
- Tag by kailin
080. What feeling you hate most?
- Being betray
081. Are you a crying baby?
- Welll .......
082. Who is more important to you boyfriend or friends?
- Both
083. Do you think you have enough confidence?
- LOL-ing !
084. Who is the person you trust most?
- I don't trust anybody after ...... ya ..
085. Have you ever seen a rainbow after rain?
- Yup:)
086. If you have a dream, what will it be?
- A taitai! Pamer myself everyday xP
087. Who is the person you don't trust most?
- Hmm ?
088. Do u believe in infinite love?
- Sometime?
089.Have you intend to kill urself ?
- Yea..
090. Do you really think its global warming now?
-Yup ?
091. What feeling you hate most?
- betrayed?left out?
092. Do you cherish every friendship of yours?
- Ofcause i do ..
093. Do u believe in God?
- Yup? hehe ^^
094. Who cares for you the most?
- Family?Friend and boyfriend
095. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- No worried..Happiness
096. Describe the person who tagged you.
- Kailin ? Funny and prettya :)
097. What have you regretted doing in life?
- Believe her? sighs ...
098. What would you feel if no one cares for you?
- Lonely lo? lol!!
- Cut of his kuku !!!!!
100. What is your greatest wish? -
FRIEND! Money, happiness T_T
Picture on novena!
Cover my face, because ..
i was making a fucking fucking ugly face

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