I miss everybody like fuck
My computer's back, haha!
Monday 02 June 2008♥
Went sengkang with pameila
June 4 2008 ♥
Went t escape again
Sorry t vernon? i keep on pull his shirt
dunknow got torn anot, hahahahahaha
Sorry .. ? went t pasir ris park ^^
And thank angelica for C.
At night went under blk Serene ton at my hse,
went down t find alex yongjing, chirstopher roy?
angyu and more. They're fucking funny!
June 6 2008♥
Went t Omh(old mental hopsital)
With Regine, Serene Yongjing
Chirstopher, Alex, wangjian , ang yu?
Ride bike t there, When we reach there
Sky's dark already, when we went in
i keep on pull yongjing. hahahaha!
There's alot of bat can? Fly over us
and knee down, haha! went t bat fly over me
i pull up yongjing shirt, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
After all we ride back khatib, yongjing lobang me
and something happend,Fucking pain and fucking funny too
Fun and tired:) Sorry peiyan, as i didn't go):
Love a person, is not be with him/her
but let her/him happy :)
Realised that i love you ..

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