Time solve ....


Monday, March 1, 2010

Hi i will be .. privating my blog soon, give me your email, text or msn or ... fb. add me at fb too!!! :)

Common test later on ... and yet.. my math textbook is lost.wtf.. hahahaha.

Greasy hair is caused either by dry hair, either by an oily scalp. If your hair is dry, your scalp will produce extra oil to hydrate it. In this case, hydrate your body properly and wash your hair rarely. Don't try to dry your scalp but wash it with a mild shampoo, one that's recommended for oily hair and use conditioner only at the ends of your hair.An oily scalp is usually caused by hormonal problems, stress or skin problems. In this case, you have to wash your hair daily, specially your scalp and make sure you use a shampoo recommended for daily usage.
Don't brush to often and don't rub or scratch. This will stimulate the scalp to provide even more oil and that will make your hair look dirty and sticky.Dont wash too much too.

no wonder... k hand of my hair for now bye. must change that habittttttttttt.