Time solve ....


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hello people, My computer's alright now, yayness.

Acutally i wanna post yesterday and i went home happily, though of staying home and blog and play audition with pameila, but computer just couldn't work, how unlucky.

I've fun during in school yesterday because jonathan, he's damn funny.
I was chating w lynette and lynette pull up her finge and jonathan face change, he was shouting saying that lynette pimple's very big, his face was oh well so cute.

I'm trying very hard to upload the video and picture now as there's some problem,The bloody thing is lagging. Audition couldn't download back as i don't know what happen t their website or can say that i don't know what to do.

* I shall go for a bath while waiting for those download *

I was chating with him and ok lar, he say tt i'm bbq.
Sorry for the "fuck you lah", didnt mean it alright jonathan!

He was saying about lynnette's pimple

and during science, ms norfidah was like "We going to the next chapter"
Every boy shouted "wooray!" and some girl also, you guy should know the chapter right?
hehehe, everyone IS damn interested in the chapter man, tian ah ~ Why our class's not named as 1H instead of 1A?

* Imagine this boy below singing new year song *
and he dance indian dance and making joke, make me laugh like mad manzx.

Supposed to put Peiyan dancing photo but she delete it, if not you guy could she dancing non stop man :D

I went to TaiMa's Sk too, i'm mean, i say thing that are so mean.
I'm sorry taima, Rest in peace.
Yuhng and yingxuan, Orange look alike?

& I went to GN playing audition with claudia and weiwei,
While waiting for wei wei, we saw this very small size baby and he's very cute, omg!
I love winx club, don't you?

Jaclin foo, You go out won't ask one leh, i dislike you your copyness but not you. i know that they'll tell you that i post about you, Let it be, because i cannot tolerate anymore. Sorry, i'm just stating the fact, i know everyone do copy but .. yes, sorry.

Damn it, i'm having an bad sore throat and fever, it hurt i swear.

I'm ending here now, well,

Pameila singing?
Jacline she showing the "see what see" face.
LOL, Sorry jacline!!!!!!

and bye everyone, xoxo