Now at timothy hse w. sweetheart claudia joey rachel haoming joeson
shaun pornstar weijian and jazreal..
Cabbed to jurong east and many thing happened
You yourself hav it leh girl, please think before you do anything
fucking hongster, don't step one good ask me this ask me that
tot that you're an good friend but i'm so fucking wrong
you are an fucking whore .. nowonder many peepo dislike you
i admit i'm someone who many dislike too =)
I really can't remeber what i did for this few day, aga-aga guessed uh.
- Bbq with lovelys
- Shop with claudia and laugh crazily
- Help them dye hair and help yang make up
- Chalet
- Went to watch "The Coffin"
Picture will be update soon yeap, <3
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