Felicia ahjie ask me t update
So here am i ? Felica ahjie's super duper love
May 12 2008 ♥
I was damn piss off because of her.
Oh whatever, Meet pameila @ northpoint
and train t jurongeast t meet da suppiler
After that slacking around there and
went t imm shopshop, But didn't find what we want ):
Train back t yishun and and went home(Bath and online for
a few mintues? And went t khatib t meet blogshop owner t take
pameila bag nd boyfriend tee.
May 13 2008 ♥
Was late for school, Went back t class around 10o'clock
Very hotttttttttt siol(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Bye friend
Muchylove ♥

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