If my hair, will be fine and nice
i will be oh-so-so-so-so zilianBut must wait for two month ( And i hope it will be like what i want ♥ )
*Pray pray,Wish wish * Yeah, i know i'm lame.
Fxuk everything );
I dun feel any good,I'm so sick
Baby,Where're you la?! hai T,T
I dunwanna live anymore,Kill me
Are we still sister? Or we're just normal friend?
Do you all,still treat me as one of your sister?
Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):
Wanted t go,to bugis with jeslin and pam but,i'm
very very sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick !
Bye everyone,everything -
PS: I hate love
Pameila,Jeslin,Peiyan,Lynette,Jasmine sister
Do you guy dislike me? Sorry for my bad temper
I'm so-so-so-so-so-so-so sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry ):
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