I feel-oh-fucking-sick >:[
@29 01 08
went t kfc f our lunch
And thank t peiyan (Thank f th treat ya>:) )
@02 02 08
Ohgoshhhh(S) i went t northpoint look f my earing
and stuff and we take bus and went t meet peiyan and lynette
then, lynette took my picture(ah, issit it ugly ._. ) Hah, they was doing their
stuff and, i was eating l ( They say i look like i haven eat f manymany year)
we decide t walk home, omfg so tired can? then i saw many people(Kaiye's friend )
Wtf wtf wtf, fuck paiseh loh >:/ !! And bitch, fuck off lah ! kaiye's mine lah hoh,cheeby!
I know, i look like mother-fucker lah >:9

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