Why do,Even
my Family dont trust me
So what i Steal? Do a person
Everything Steal,Mean Everything
lost, is i steal ? this make no sense alright
fucker & yeh, You dont show me tht
IAM YOUR DAUGHTER,So hwhy should i show
you are my mummy uh? everythingg, use cane to
settle, why cant use talk ? Ohfuck,I was
born, in the Toliet bowl, That is what you say alright
Freak, everytime i try helping you, But you'll scold me
for helping,Hey! so nextime i dont help laas? you say if
i be good abit 'll let me go out,Please laas horhs th more you
dont let th more, i will do what you say oppsite & You smoke
why can't i ? you put tatoo, why cant i ? I want lei, You also likethat?
I dont need, you this type of mother alright, SIAM LAHS! PCB!
When,You old i throw you @ th rubbish bin,laas Horhs! Arghhhhhs!
MyFamily,just simply _l_
sorry,Matin i shout @ you
infont of everybody,Reallyreally sorry
because im not in a goodmood & you Keep
ask me 0those,'useless question X:
maybe going girlhome T.T
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